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Knowsley Industrial Park,
Liverpool, L33 7XE

0800 996 1033

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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00

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Which Washroom Products Do I Need?

Whether you have a new or an established business, the quality of your washroom hygiene and sanitary products can make a big difference on how visitors and employees view your workplace. Ensuring a safe and clean environment is one of the top concerns for any business or institution that prioritise health & safety, especially since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak.

If you didn’t consider that the hygiene standards affect productivity at work, we offer some surprising statistics further in the article showing just how important the workplace hygiene is. We share specific legal requirements set for the washroom standards in your office and inform how to solve common hygiene-related issues. Furthermore, Concept Hygiene has a range of great products and services to help maintain your washroom clean and fresh at all times.

With nearly 30 years of experience, Concept Hygiene has the answers to all washroom service matters. We will help you make the right decision for your office or institution, advising only the best products and services to aid your compliances.

Laws and Legislation to Follow and Why It Is Important.

To ensure that all businesses have equal washroom hygiene standards, the rules of required hygiene services and products in the workplace are included in the legislation law under Environmental Protection Act of 1990. We have mentioned essential hygiene utilities for every business in our previous blog “Keep Your Business Clean with Washroom Hygiene Services”. However, why is it important to maintain a clean washroom? First, let’s recall the requirements of the law:

As per the law and legislation, every business is supposed to provide the utilities for employees and visitors to ensure good hygiene standards. These include:

  • Clean Facilities
  • Toilet paper
  • A supply of fresh air
  • Sanitary disposal unit
  • Hand soap
  • Hand drier or paper towels

The government health & safety statistics between the years 2019-2020 show that 1.6 million people or approximately 5.3% of the working population in the UK suffered from a work-related illness. This includes viral and bacterial infections. Although the percentage of these illness occasions might not seem high, it all comes at a cost of employee absence, loss of productivity and sick pay. According to the statistics, In the year 2018-2019 the loss reached £16.2 billion.

It is clear why it should be within everyone’s interest to upgrade hygiene standards. They must be sustained not only by regular washroom cleaning services but also by everyone’s individual measures, using the provided utilities to regularly wash and dry hands, as well as correctly dispose of the sanitary products.

Supplying correct washroom facilities largely impacts the quality of your hygiene, however, it doesn’t mean that there can’t be any further issues. Maintaining regular supply and cleaning standards can be achieved by using correct dispensing and disposal units, as well as hiring the right hygiene service for your needs.

Common Washroom Problems and How to Deal with Them.

A study by Soakology, a bathroom design specialists performed a heat map test in 2020, concluding that there can be up to 2733 bacteria per square inch in a bathroom sink. This number can be kept low and imply no risk to your health if the facilities are regularly cleaned and every person washes their hands after each bathroom use. However, there are more issues that many business places come across in washrooms daily.



An office facilities management company SMC Premiere Group surveyed 5’000 people across the UK in 2019, answering questions regarding hygiene habits at their place of work.

If you have any questions about the right products for you, then please contact us to discuss our washroom service plans.


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